Global Repository

Storyline Test (clone)

Storyline Test
  • Day 1 Intro 8:00-10:00
  • KAIZEN™ Principles
  • Login to TalentLMS - Test Storyline - Try me
  • Visual Management Overview elearning
  • Test 3 ILT session
  • Test 6
  • Test ILT 7
  • Test 8
  • ilt_1615385557
  • Paradigms - 5 Monkeys - SP.mp4
  • Test MS Teams Test 3
  • Test
  • 00907bc0-ec8d-4486-bdd4-644bb8b819b0-20210923-045823-749
  • Easygenerator testing
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever